Our College Counseling Program
College counseling provides all 9th through 12th Grade Cadets the information they need to prepare them for their academic future. Beginning in the junior year, the college counselor works one-on-one with the Cadet to prepare them for the first steps in choosing the right college. In their senior year, the college counselor will work with each Cadet on their applications, essays, and recommendations.
We invite admissions representatives from colleges and universities onto our campus to meet with juniors and seniors. We also take the Cadets to colleges and universities for tours and interviews, as well as local college fairs. The college process can be scary and overwhelming. However, it is our intent at Oak Ridge Military Academy to ensure each Cadet the special attention they deserve during this time. Family members will be able to contact Kathie Pendry, the college counselor, at any time for support and guidance at kpendry@oakridgemilitary.com.
Resources from CollegeBoard​
College Planning for Seniors
College Planning for Juniors
College Planning for 9th and 10th Grade

I accomplished so much at ORMA and it set the bar for my adult life.
I miss it so much!
Bethani, alumnus