Language Department:
Introduction to Literature:
This one credit, yearlong course encourages understanding of the world through reading, writing and speaking. Beginning with the genre of the short story, students will go on to read such classic novels as Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, or To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, explore poetry from different parts of the world, read William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, and learn about the tradition of the heroic epic poem through reading Homer’s The Odyssey. On the way, the instructor will emphasize literary terms and devices which will serve as a basis for further studies in literature. An understanding of these, along with building a broad high school level vocabulary, will be vital for success on college entrance exams such as the SAT. Students will have ample opportunity to develop a set of critical thinking skills which will serve them well across the curriculum as we analyze and connect what we read to what we already know. Through informal writing in journals to formal essay assignments, students will practice developing their ideas in a logical and grammatically correct manner. Emphasis will be placed on supporting ideas through providing evidence from the reading, enhancing understanding and encouraging a close reading of the text.
Prerequisite: Freshman Standing
(Honors) British Literature:
This one credit, yearlong course seeks to introduce our students to the classic English literary tradition, while also further developing the students’ abilities in effective communication. Major works of the British literary canon will be analyzed, including the anonymously authored Beowulf; The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan; Macbeth, by William Shakespeare; and A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Using nonfiction texts, students will analyze and synthesize information to solve problems. Writing will include the production of informational, expository, and persuasive/argumentative papers, logically organized demonstrating knowledgeable judgments, and effective conclusions. Development of English grammar will continue through the application of rules for sentence formation, usage, spelling, and mechanics. Also, the student will expand general and specialized vocabulary through speaking, listening, reading, and viewing.
Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing
(Honors) American Literature:
This one credit, yearlong course seeks to introduce students to both classic and contemporary American literature. Students will be able to identify the prevalent themes and characterizations present in major works of the American literary tradition, such as Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain; and The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, among others. The student will be able to write clear and accurate personal, professional, and informational correspondence and reports for research and other applications. Grammar development will continue through the application of rules for sentence formation, usage, spelling, and mechanics. Finally, students will continue to develop and expand vocabulary in pursuit of more precise communication.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing
(Honors) World Literature:
This one credit, yearlong course aims to introduce high school seniors to selected masterpieces of world literature. Most of the works that will be studied were originally written or conceived in languages other than English, but have been made available in English through translation or original writing in English by non-native speakers. In time, they range from the works of the ancients that have stood the test of time to some fairly recent works by twentieth century writers. Typical authors whose works will be sampled include Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Dante, Petrarch, Rabelais, Cervantes, Moliere, Voltaire, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Camus, Soyinka, and other authors of similar caliber. Evaluation of student performance in the course will be done through a combination of methods: monitoring class participation, judging homework assignments, giving unannounced class quizzes, and through periodic unit tests and a final examination. Additionally, students will be required to write two term papers.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing
AP Literature & Composition:
This one credit, yearlong course offers advanced placement credit. The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works.
Spanish I:
This one credit, yearlong course empowers students to speak, read, write and comprehend Spanish and to do so in a culturally authentic manner. Clear and concise grammar explanations guide student to understand and use Spanish with increasing accuracy, while communication activities allow students to use Spanish in meaningful everyday situations.
Spanish II:
This one credit, yearlong course is designed to accommodate the student that has completed his/her first year of Spanish. Spanish II is a one credit, yearlong course that uses communications, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities with interesting content, varied and effective methodology, interactive activities and an ongoing discussion of the wealth of opportunities available to students through the study of Spanish.
Prerequisite: Spanish I
Spanish III:
This one credit, yearlong course is a continuation of Spanish II and accommodates the student that has completed his/her second year of Spanish. Spanish will be spoken throughout most of the course. Students will continue exploring the characteristics of Spanish-speaking cultures. The students will read and analyze Spanish literature.
Prerequisite: Spanish II
ESL (English as a Second Language):
This one credit, yearlong course empowers students with developmental skills for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of English as a second or foreign language. While focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ESL promotes the development of all language skills in a variety of ways through an abundant variety of exercises, interactive communication activities and students’ own life experiences. Thus, students will be able to follow other studies done in the English language without being impaired by language weaknesses.
Math Department:
Algebra I:​
This one credit, yearlong course continues the study of algebraic concepts. It includes operations with polynomials and matrices, creation and application of linear functions and relations, algebraic representations of geometric relationships, and an introduction to nonlinear functions. Students will be expected to describe and translate among graphic, algebraic, numeric, tabular, and verbal representations of relations and use those representations to solve problems. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra
(Honors) Geometry:
This one credit, yearlong course continues students’ study of geometric concepts building upon middle school topics. Students will move from an inductive approach to deductive methods of proof in their study of two- and three-dimensional geometric figures. Reasoning skills will be emphasized and students will broaden their use of the coordinate plane. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and graphics software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Honors Geometry also involves the study of geometric concepts with algebraic manipulation of these geometric concepts included. The course also includes a systematic study of the concept of proof. The course requires the purchase and use of a special calculator as designated by the mathematics department. The Honors Geometry course is taught at a faster pace than Geometry as well as examining problems that are more difficult. The student is expected to be an independent thinker and worker in order to be enrolled in an Honors level course.
Prerequisite: Algebra I
(Honors) Algebra II:
This one credit, yearlong course continues students’ study of advanced algebraic concepts including functions, polynomials, rational expressions, systems of functions and inequalities, and matrices. Students will be expected to describe and translate among graphic, algebraic, numeric, tabular, and verbal representations of relations and use those representations to solve problems. Emphasis should be placed on practical applications and modeling. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Honors Algebra II is a one credit, yearlong course that emphasizes problem solving and new skill development. Students are encouraged to develop a more independent style of reading and studying mathematics at a faster pace. All students must take a placement test toward the end of their year in Algebra II to help determine placement for subsequent math courses.
AFM - Advanced Functions & Modeling:
This one credit, year long course provides students an in-depth study of modeling and applying functions. Home, work, recreation, consumer issues, public policy, and scientific investigations are just a few of the areas from which applications will originate. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Prerequisites: Algebra II
This one credit, yearlong course provides students an Honors-Level yearlong course. Topics studied are Trigonometry, Advanced Functions, Analytic Geometry, and Data Analysis. Real-world applications and modeling are included in each topic area. Appropriate technology is used regularly to enhance instruction and assessment.
Prerequisite: Algebra II
Prerequisites: Algebra II
This one credit, yearlong course is an Honors-Level, yearlong course which develops the student’s understanding of the concepts of calculus. It includes limits and continuity, derivatives, applications of derivatives, and an introduction to integration and its applications. During the year, students will learn to recognize and express mathematical concepts graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally and understand the connections between these representations. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Prerequisites: Pre-Calculus
AP Calculus AB:​
These one credit, yearlong courses offer advanced placement credit. The courses develop the student’s understanding of functions, graphs, limits, derivatives, integers, polynomial approximations, and series. Students will express methods and applications using geometric, numerical, analytical, and verbal representations. Appropriate technology is used throughout the course. The advanced placement curriculum is followed and students participate in the AP testing program.
Prerequisite: B+ in Pre-Calculus Honors
Science Department:
(Honors) Earth & Environmental Science:​
This one credit, yearlong course covers Earth processes and cycles, energy resources in the Earth system, matter and energy in the Earth System, the origin and evolution of the universe, environmental hazards, human impact upon environments, and scientific inquiry skills. Students gain an understanding of their environment and how they interact with Earth systems. Learning methods consist of assignments from the textbook, web-based supplements, current events evaluations, video presentations, and laboratory work where applicable. The primary textbook for the course is: “Earth Science, Geology, the Environment, and the Universe” by Glencoe. Honors Earth Environmental Science covers the course material with greater depth and emphasis on environmental impact of human interaction.
(Honors) Biology:​
This one credit, yearlong course involves the study of life. By the end of this course, students should have an understanding of evolution; homeostasis; energy, matter, and organization of living systems; reproduction and inheritance in living systems; growth and differentiation in living systems; and ecology. We begin with a review of scientific methods, microscope use, laboratory and safety techniques. Labs and hands-on activities are included with every unit to help reinforce concepts that were covered and to emphasize the scientific method. Honors Biology covers the course material with greater depth and emphasis on the study of life.
(Honors) Chemistry:​
This one credit, yearlong course is an introductory college preparatory course. Students will gain a basic understanding of principles of inorganic chemistry. Topics that will be discussed are chemical safety, intro to chemistry and matter, scientific measurement, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry and the formation of the elements, arrangement of electrons in atoms, the Periodic Table and periodicity, ionic and covalent bonding, nomenclature, chemical formulas, chemical quantities (moles), chemical reaction types and products, stoichiometry, 3 types of solution reactions, acids and bases, thermochemistry, and gas laws. Laboratory experience will acquaint students with basic laboratory practices in the qualitative and quantitative study of inorganic chemistry.
Co-requisite: Algebra II.
This one credit, yearlong course is designed for students who plan to enter careers that require extensive knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. Focus will be centered upon the orientation and organization of the human body, which will cover the major themes of anatomy and physiology, the chemistry of life, and cells. Support and movement of the human body will cover the integumentary system, tissues, and various body systems. Nerves and the nervous system will allow us to cover integration and control. Regulation and maintenance of the human body will mainly cover the circulatory, respiratory, and urinary systems. This course will include labs to physically demonstrate the mechanical principles.
This one credit, yearlong course involves the study of the physical world: energy, matter, and how they are related. Physics is considered the fundamental science because learning physics helps us understand our physical world. The concepts include but not limited to Newton’s Laws, Energy, and Waves. This course has a heavy amount of math needed and is recommended post Algebra II. Physicists are valuable in research universities, engineering, computer science, medicine, sports, communications, and publishing.
This one credit, yearlong course involves the study of the body's movements: a scientific study of the mechanics and analysis of human movement, incorporating principles from the fields of physical education, anatomy, physiology and physics. This dynamic exploration of the human body will delve into the principles of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, and exercise science. Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of how the body functions during physical activity, from the molecular level to whole-body movements. Through hands-on labs, fitness assessments, and real-world applications, students will gain practical knowledge to improve their own fitness and wellness.
History Department:
(Honors) World History:​
This one credit, yearlong course will study the history of ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, major world religions, the Reformation, Absolutism, Enlightenment, and Imperialism. It is also designed to introduce students to the various methods by which history can be examined and understood. The course touches upon the great intellectual, political, and philosophical ideas that fostered Western Civilization. It also touches upon the economic and religious forces have shaped Western Civilization. Students who graduate from this course will have a solid grounding of the history of the ancient world, western civilization, and of historical ideas, themes, and trends. This will allow them to better understand the other history-based subjects taught at Oak Ridge Military Academy. Along with material, students will learn to write analytical essays on various historical questions and proper note taking and study skills on a high school level. Honors students will complete extensive writing projects.
Prerequisite: Freshman Standing
(Honors) American Government:
This one credit, yearlong course is a multi-level course that focuses on the evolution of the United States government from the founding of the Republic in 1776 to the present. Students will examine some of the European philosophies that helped create our government and they will examine the roles played by federal, state, and local governments. Students will also examine the three main branches of the federal government: legislative, executive, and judicial. By analyzing these branches students will gain a better understanding of the legitimate role of government in our society. Honors students will complete extensive writing projects.
Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing
(Honors) U.S. History:
This one credit, yearlong course is a comprehensive survey course which examines the history of America from the earliest European exploration and settlement to the present. The course focuses on the political, military, and economic history of the Republic; however, both social and ethnic history is also included. The course stresses note-taking and organizational skills; critical thinking skills are also emphasized through class discussions. Students will leave the course with a broad knowledge of the main events and ideas which have dominated American life since 1492. Honors students will complete extensive writing projects.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing
AP Government & Politics:
This one credit, yearlong course offers advanced placement credit. AP U.S. Government and Politics provides a college-level, nonpartisan introduction to key political concepts, ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles, and behaviors that characterize the constitutional system and political culture of the United States. Students will study U.S. foundational documents, Supreme Court decisions, and other texts and visuals to gain an understanding of the relationships and interactions among political institutions, processes, and behaviors. They will also engage in disciplinary practices that require them to read and interpret data, make comparisons and applications, and develop evidence-based arguments. In addition, they will complete a political science research or applied civics project.
Other Courses & Electives:
Computer Applications:​
This one credit, yearlong course introduces students to the Microsoft Office Suite of products, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Students will become familiar enough with each product to successfully create a document, spreadsheet, presentation, calendar, and a database. Students will learn some VBA programming. The focus is to learn just enough to use the suite of products in other classes and to provide a foundation for further exploration.
Cross-Curricular Learning:​
The objective of this elective course is to familiarize students with important information that they might not encounter in the regular curriculum. The course is research intensive and will help the students become more well-rounded by studying a plethora of interesting facts associated with the core classes, that are often neglected.
Personal Finance:​
This year-long required course features the Foundations in Personal Finance curriculum from Ramsey Solutions, the company of esteemed financial advisor Dave Ramsey. The course features video lessons taught by Dave Ramsey and his team of experts along with extensive in class discussions. Each of the 12 chapters covers important money topics that build financial confidence and inspire hope in your students’ lives. Students will have an in-depth knowledge of saving, budgeting, credit, debt, financial planning, insurance, income, taxes, giving, and global economics. At the end of this course, students will be prepared to be adults and handle money the smart way!
U.S. Presidents:​
This one credit, yearlong course on the Presidents will examine each one of America's Presidents. The course focuses on the personality, quirks, behavior, and other little known interesting facts about each of the Chief Executives. Some time will also be devoted to each President’s most important political contributions. There is no textbook for the course. I use set of DVDs that provided a synopsis of each of the Presidents which are used to develop a set of research questions. A good deal of time is spent in the computer lab for the research.
U.S. Supreme Court:​
This one credit, yearlong course covers the history of the High Court from its beginnings to the present. It focuses on the following areas: The early years of the Court, The Nomination and Confirmation process, A Look at the Chief Justices, and a study important cases and rulings handed down by the Court. Students will also study current Court cases and decisions that occur during the school year.
The Yearbook elective places a student on the Dress Parade staff, which is responsible for producing the school’s yearbook. The Dress Parade staff will develop the cover, the overall organization of the yearbook, and the specific content for each page. The yearbook is published by Jostens, who provides access to their online tools for placing content and reviewing the overall organization of the yearbook.
SAT/ACT Prep Course:​
Oak Ridge Military Academy seeks to help students prepare for the SAT/ACT standardized college-entrance tests by utilizing Method Test Prep. With Method Test Prep’s self-paced program, students will receive a total of 25 hours of preparation (each for ACT and SAT) that can be molded to fit their strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. Take your PSAT in the fall, your ACT & SAT in the spring and you still have time to prep for a second ACT & SAT in the following fall if you choose to take it again.
Study Skills:​
The Study Skills course is designed to help students sharpen their study habits in a variety of areas to include; listening, speaking, reading, writing, note-taking, studying for tests, critical thinking, time management, goal setting, and memorization techniques.
This course is intended for 7th and 8th-grade students.
We seek to provide a diverse educational environment that encourages academic excellence, rewards self-discipline, and develops leadership potential. The structured military environment reinforces the mission and adds a transformative set of skills and values that can be applied throughout life.
Our mission has adapted over time, and has fueled the education of thousands of graduates for over 165 years, and it continues to do so today.
Click below for more information on our JROTC program!

Small classes and teachers who showed an interest in my education and growth were a huge influence in my life.
Oak Ridge has so much to offer!
Ruth, alumnus