Graduation Requirements
Oak Ridge Military Academy is a college preparatory school accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. To graduate from Oak Ridge Military Academy, a Cadet must complete the core curriculum, plus successfully fulfill all additional requirements listed below. In addition, a Cadet must complete his or her senior year as a full-time student at Oak Ridge Military Academy in order to obtain an Oak Ridge diploma. Oak Ridge Military Academy offers a variety of Honors Level courses as well as five AP Courses.
English: 4 credits
Mathematics: 4 credits (must include one math class beyond Algebra II)
Science & Humanities: 7 credits
Army JROTC: 1 – 4 credits (required each year)
Foreign Language: 2 credits in the same Foreign Language
Physical Education/ Health: 1 credit (2 JROTC credits can waive this requirement.)
Personal Finance: 1 credit
Electives: 2 – 6 credits
Total Minimum Requirements: 24 credits
Students who have more than one credit to make up at the end of their senior year will not be allowed to participate in graduation activities (Baccalaureate, graduation ceremony, etc.). Those seniors who only need to make up one credit can participate in graduation activities. However, the missing credits must be obtained during the summer school session at ORMA before the student can be given their diploma.
Senior Research Project​
A requirement for graduation is the senior research project. This project includes three components: the rough draft of the research paper, the final draft, and an oral presentation of the research topic. The project is graded on a “pass-fail” basis. However, if a paper and/or oral presentation is outstanding, the senior Cadet may receive a passing grade “with honors.” In order to earn a passing grade on the senior project, the Cadet must pass all three components.
College Admission​
Cadets are required to complete and submit three college or university applications and take the SAT & ACT in both their junior and senior years in order to be eligible for graduation. In addition, the Cadet must be accepted into one of the schools they’ve applied to. College admission is a graduation requirement at Oak Ridge Military Academy. The College Counselor will assist all senior Cadets with the college applications and admissions process.
Community Service​
Cadets must complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service during their senior year, which includes the summer months prior to their senior year. While some community service opportunities will be made available by ORMA, Cadets are urged to pursue such opportunities in their home communities during the breaks or the summer months. Community Service hours must be documented in writing by the sponsor and must be completed during the cadet’s senior year or the summer months prior to the Cadet’s senior year.

Oak Ridge Military Academy doesn't just change you. It builds you into the person you were always meant to be. Oak Ridge will always mean the world to me.
Reyna, alumnus